

there's a lot of things i've been ignoring around my apartment, including really decorating, because often the picture in my head is so much cooler than what i think i'll actually accomplish. ever the perfectionist (and by association, procrastinator), i've put the decorating thing off. however, i started a couple projects today, including ordering an appropriately sized bedspread for my grown up full. call it spring fever, if you wish, but these are the things on my immediate to do list for my next "weekend."*

[images 1 and 2 via a daily something]
3 and 4 via design*sponge]

*i work in a restaurant, so my "weekends" are monday/tuesday.


hump day smile

it may be the first day of my work week, but everyone could use a smile on wednesdays, whether it's the middle of your week, the end or the beginning. especially when it's coming from these sweet two lads.

it's been a while...

... and i really have no excuse for my lack of blogging other than that i just had to unplug from the online world for a while in order to deal with a few things in my offline world. but i'm back. here's what's been happening lately.

as you can see, it's been a lot of coffee, cats and admiring landscapes. escapades that involved friends and some that did not. hanging out in the park and babysitting from time to time. waiting for the train (mostly the F) and getting caught up on some reading.