

the twitter account @shitgirlssay is absolutely brilliant and now it appears that its creators have started a youtube series, the first of which went live yesterday. i can't stop watching it:

i'm also loving the juliette lewis makes a cameo.


happy friday

happy friday! i don't know if anyone is a fan of dance, but if you are i'm going to put in a plug for the company i've been working for. if you're in nyc, consider buying tickets or you could watch the performance tonight (for free!) from the comfort of your living room by clicking here.

i'm going to be working quite a bit, as i do every weekend, but i'm hoping to get in some 'me' time as well. plus find time to do christmas shopping...what are your plans this weekend?


weekend snapshots

a visit and a theme party
birthday cake time
time spent with friends
before the work week encroaches again

sorry this is a bit late, just got caught up in the visit and celebrating my big 2-3.


animal crackers

oh the holidays. i can't believe it's already december 1st, meaning that it's time to start thinking of presents that don't break the bank on my limited budget. with that in mind, i've been perusing different places looking for reasonable gifts. i've noticed an animal theme, so this little gift guide is a list of gifts for those in your life that are lovers of a. all things kitschy quirky and
b. cartoon versions of animals.


4. Nelson Red Heel Socks for a DIY Sock Monkey, $5-26 
(depends if you go for vintage socks)


wanderers and nomads

not all who WANDER are LOST

i've been feeling a great sense of wanderlust lately. i think its time to start saving for the backpacking trip i wanted to do post grad and then never quite got there. i also like the idea that i could take inspiration from the countries i choose to traverse and reflect them in my wardrobe. oh, i'm excited just thinking about the possibilities.

images 1, 3, 4 via free people 
the rest are my own


weekend snapshots

vegan baking forays and turkey on the sly
making new traditions with new friends
balancing work time with play time
diana comes out to play late night
capturing moments of fun and silliness

*i wish i had a way to scan the polaroids i took
to showcase the blanket fort 
and i wish someone had a picture of naptime with the boy


lust, a cardinal sin

i just saw the new collection from stone_cold_fox, one of my favorite clothing companies these days. and i cannot stop thinking about it. every piece is absolutely gorgeous and absolutely out of my price range, so i'm excited that i have some christmas and birthday favors coming up to cash in on. before that, i thought i'd share a few of my favorites...

 i also love how quirky some of the photographs are; that's not something i'm used to seeing for advertising a collection.

the beautiful//imperfection collection is found here [via] stone_cold_fox



in an attempt to get christmas eve off, i volunteered to be one of the thanksgiving working drones. because i won't be sitting down to a thanksgiving meal and giving thanks along with my family and friends, i thought it'd be nice to list some things that i'm grateful for in my life right now.

walks in the rain
my diana and her instant back
making new friends
starting to feel at home in nyc
lattes when i wake up
an organized closet
a clean carpet
learning about vegan baking
invites to join thanksgiving feasts
seeing my boy
that time of year, to watch love, actually

weekend snapshots

brunch with a friend and happy socks, 
my bed occupied by roommate's cat
torturing myself with trips to the puppy store.


marcel is back.

in case you haven't see it yet, marcel is back. love it. haven't seen the original? please PLEASE click here to see marcel in action.

past perfect



not only did i get to spend some time with the boy last weekend, but my mama came to town for a couple days last week as well. we looked at apartments, ate at my restaurant and did plenty of shopping. we also enjoyed people watching while drinking wine in the lovely bar at her hotel, the bowery. the decor alone is worth coming to the bar for; it reminded me of the shabby chic of 1920s paris. of course, i didn't get enough photos of us together (i need to get better at that!) but we had lots of fun spending a couple of days together.

images via the nyt and organic living magazine